Stream Table 2011

This course was last taught Winter 2011. That semester, research was conducted using a small (~0.5 X 1.5 m) commercial table with limited capabilities. The goal was the same, to create a sustainable migrating meander and was accomplished on a limited basis (i.e. a single migrating meander bend near the head of the table). Toward the end of the semester, the 2011 group developed ideas for what they called the "Dream Table." In conjunction with the Department of Mechanical Engineering at BYU-Idaho, a preliminary version was constructed and used for the first time this semester (Winter 2013). To see work done by the 2011 group, click here.

Feedback and Collaboration

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Friday, November 8, 2013

BYUI Undergraduate Research Conference Abstract: Development of a sustainable migrating meander channel on a small-scale stream table

Abstract submitted for poster presentation at the BYU-Idaho Student Research Conference

Development of a sustainable migrating meander: Can a migrating and sustainable meandering stream channel be created on a small-scale stream table?

Brandon Rasaka, Cody MacCabe, Rachel McCullough, and William W. Little (mentor)

To date, generating an artificial sustainable and migrating meandering channel has been accomplished only on large-scale stream tables, such as that at the University of California - Berkley (>100 m²). However, using a new, smaller (~2 m²) table, designed by the BYU-Idaho Department of Geology and constructed in conjunction with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, that permits controlled changes in load type, load amount, discharge volume, and base level, we successfully accomplished this objective.
The challenge was finding a balance between cut bank erosion and point bar deposition, which, though conceptually simple, proved difficult to replicate in an artificial setting.  This was eventually accomplished by independently adjusting stream gradient, caliber and amount of load, flow velocity, discharge volume, base level, and cohesion of bank materials.  The key turned out to be using a mixture of sand and clay, both as the initial box-fill material and new sediment fed into the system. Clay in the box fill decreased the rate at which cut banks eroded.  Sand in the sediment feed allowed deposition of the initial point bar.  Clay in the sediment feed added cohesion to the point bar, decreasing likelihood of channel straightening through chute cutoff across the bar.

The final result was development of three meander bends that migrated both laterally and downstream, each with a well-defined cutback and well-developed point bar.

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